Happy Friday, can you believe another week has already come and gone? I figured I should share the goods since I have been slacking for a while. There are some very cute new things and even some things you all missed out on seeing since I took so long to post new pictures. We are very excited for the next junk swap. I need to get my buns in gear and figure out what I am bringing. Hmm.. More on that later but for now, new lovlies.
This looks like one massive cabinet but it is actually two pieces sold separately. The top cabinet happens to be sold and waiting to be picked up so boo if you love it : ( The lower cabinet, however, is still for sale and oh so darlingly chippy. This level of shabbiness is not everyone's cup of tea, but I really adore it. When you see a piece like this, you just know it has been well loved, and would have some great stories if only it could talk.

I was soooo excited to come across these old books that were actually affordable! Man people always want an arm and a leg for them. They are a popular item out in the blog world right now. They are the perfect finishing touch for any little spot that needs a little something. Stack of 2 $8

We have another bistro set to replace the one that was oh so popular and could have sold 10 times over. This one is about the same size, but the shape is a bit different. And oh yes, it has a creamy finish so it is hard not to love! 3 piece set $175

The two vintage locker baskets that we had both sold (sad day for me!), but we have this cute little green one to replace them. It really is a reproduction but still fun and functional. $20

Horrid lighting, I know but as I have previously expressed, I am not much of a photographer, so we are going to have to work with what we've got here. In this display are five, count 'em, five, of my fave items we have here at the market right now.
Numero uno-the sweetest little chair ever! If I ever become president, all dining chairs shall be replaced with these. $40
2. The shabby mirror made of antique moulding $40
3. Super sweet shabby little table $125
4. Another old book stack $8 and drumroll.....
5. The shabby stool. Another thing you just can't help but love right? $35

Just thought you might appreciate another shot of this little dandy.

Here you can see the layers of paint showing through. First is that darling milk paint green, and next pink, followed by what I hope is it's final layer, white!
On sale $275

Again, here is the pink medicine cabinet. It looks great paired with this white dresser. The cabinet could be the quirky little addition that one of your rooms needs. It would be the perfect unexpected twist in a room other than a bathroom.
Dresser w/ pink glass knobs $125

This little cabinet is a newcomer to the shop. The color doesn't show up very well in this picture but it is a yellowy green color. $75

We loved this cake plate and lid. It is large enough to hold a pretty good sized cake, but why not put a bird and nest inside? $35

Cute little white birdhouse $10

Congratulations, you made it to the end! Thank you so much for reading our blog and we always enjoy it when you come down to the shop to say hi! Have a great weekend everyone.
PS If anyone out there loves to snoop in on other people's houses as much as I do, you might like to look at my blog, Stuck on Gray, which you can find by clicking here http://www.stuckongray.blogspot.com I post about projects that I am working on in my house, and once in a while, I get them finished!