I just thought I would share the new bags and tissue. I am little miss indecisive when it comes to even the simplest decision. Case in point-which tissue shall I choose? I mulled it over for a couple days and ended up choosing the black and white damask print. I thought it went well with the general theme of the store and matched the black and buttercream paint that we are blessed with inside and outside of the building.
I just couldn't resist showing off the delectable cupcake display we enjoyed at our grand opening last Friday. Thank you Sweet Treasures and Rocket Queen for baking up those tasty beauties.

We couldn't resist the opportunity to dress up our swimsuit model as a scarecrow. Doesn't he look handsome? No...he is not for sale.

Some fall mixed with vintage kitchen
gadgets. It must have been one of my crazy ideas. "Lets bust out the gadgets for one of our fall displays." I am positive my mom thinks I have lost it when I come up with such randomness but in a strange way I think it works. On a gadget-but not-so-crazy related note, I have plans to break them out again for a Christmas tree. Stay tuned for that-early november. Come downtown for the window display competition and xmas reveal!

Gorgeous April Cornell dishes. 12 place settings new in boxes! And matching canisters, serving bowl and napkins. Fabulous deal for some beautiful dishes.

Oh did I mention we are the proud new owners of a piano! Very out of tune but still fun to decorate.

I probably shouldn't even show this picture since just about everything in it has sold over the last week but here it is anyway. I wish my table at home could look so festive!
And the same goes for the next picture.

It is difficult to tell in the picture but this drop leaf table is perfectly shabbied and adorable. It may be going to a new home soon. What do you all think about it going in a dining room with a set of mis matched chairs with some adorable red floral upholstery on the seats? If I know her like I think I do, I will be getting a call no later than Monday to hold it for her : )

At first glance this is just a boring 'ol photo of a stairwell, but it is a landmark event for us because drumroll please...the upstairs is now open! And please take note of the hand rail. It was lovingly (or not so lovingly) installed by my beautiful mother. Have I mentioned how amazing she is? Unafraid of any project, she whipped this bad boy into submission. Love her xo

Notable change here at the VM-we switched out the previous drab door for this cutie pie. Makes you wish you had a front porch to put it on doesn't it? Well if not, then the next screen door surely will. Scroll down

I loved the beachy cottage feel of this display. I wish to transport it in it's entirety directly to my house. A project for another day I suppose...

I love the smell of this dried lavender. And if you need further evidence of that statement, we are currently using the French Lavender scent in our Scentsy burner upstairs.

Aah, the view from the top! Lovely isn't it? I cannot wait to decorate this 2nd story window for Christmas.

Shabby hutch that is all sorts if chic.

Rusty bed frame that really belongs out in the garden but you work with what you've got, and since we are gardenless and had an extra full matress set, we thought "what the heck"

Here is that darn pink dresser again...and some gorgeous little April Cornell pillows. You can barely see the little scottie dogs in the back but they are so cute and made from vintage chenille bed spreads. In my opinion, every shabby girl needs one. We are sold out at the moment but there are more on the way...
We plan to bring in many new furniture pieces next week so check back to see the new goods. Also, make sure to come downtown for Antiques in the Streets next Saturday Sept 11th.
Thank you so much for reading and looking. Happy weekend to all. We will be closed on Labor day.
I LOVE your store Brittany. I will come by soon!