It is hard to believe that such humor would be used fifty years ago.

Completely appropriate for the season, my mother flew in on this broom yesterday. Only joking, let's see how long it takes her to comment. It is a darling little broom though. Can you imagine having to sweep your floors with this bad boy?

I know they won't be here much longer so enjoy while you can.

Pictured here is a gorgeous brass twin bed. The headboard is about five feet tall and the footboard is curved in on each end. Very snazzy. Snazzy def: stylish and attractive. Good to know!

I might be the only one but I love hanging wreaths on doors, shutters and windows. Such a nice combination.

sorry I am a newbie...I posted this picture twice! I hope you love it!

This is an adorable framed picture by Kate Sexson Photography. She does a wonderful job photographing flowers, fruits and vegetables and apparently gourds!

Not a very good picture but I love this Pottery Barn throw. It is so soft and very pretty. Can't you just imagine yourself cuddled up napping with this thing while football is on in the background (Ok if you can't tell, that is why I love football season)

Another beauty from Kate Sexson Photography. I love this shot!

More cute photography

For some reason I am having writer's block when I see this picture so feel free to jump in and describe it for yourself!

Recognize this??? It used to be stained dark but it was given a new look by added embellishments and a fresh coat of cottage white paint and then lightly distressed.

This is an old senior portrait from I don't know when. All I know is how darling it is all folded up.

And opened

This is a signed silhouette from 1923. It is a charming little piece.

Ok I guess I am done rambling for now. Next week we have some super cute new shabby stuff coming so I will post pics of that. Also, I am rearranging the downstairs. Currently it s a wreck! I will be sure to show those results as well.
Did I mention that this is the only day I have worn heels to work and so far I have helped move a hutch (cram a hutch) into a tiny little Saab, loaded a vanity and moved countless other furnishings around the store? Well there I mentioned it and might I say my feet are not loving me right now! Enjoy your rainy weekend! Go Beavs.
The store looks great! I love all the fall touches :-)