Beautiful brass twin bed.

More of my crazy rusty Christmas! And guess what? We have already sold Christmas signs. Guess I am not the only crazy one.

This just might be my favorite window display to date (I have a biased opinion...I did this one). It might be tied with the black and green window my mom did a couple months back. Either way, there is no denying that we totally rock at window displays.
Side note: I just realized that I always refer to my mom as, well, my mom, so for those of you that don't know her first name it is MariAnne. And better yet, for those of you that don't know my name, it is Brittany.

Don't forget that we have lay away plans for any items over $50. Now is a great time to lay something away and get it paid for in time for Christmas. So if there is anything you love, put the bug in your hubby's ear about your favorite vintage store. We are also going to be selling gift certificates. It is the perfect gift idea for anyone who likes to shop with us.
If you are like me and your extra decorations are taking over every inch of available closet space, you should know that we sell consignments. So if you have "stuff" you would like to clean out, e-mail us at thevintagemarket@aol.com or give us a call at 541-981-2767.
Well it has been nice being able to blog again. Thanks so much for all of your support and most of all for loving vintage along with us. -B